Lukas Grimm

Software Engineer

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Lukas is a Software Engineer from Berlin, Germany. He likes to work with modern technologies and knows a lot about Web Development, Cloud and DevOps.


  • Determinationin finding ideal solutions when facing unknown and complicated challenges.
  • Leadershipmeans taking responsibility and communicating effectively to build a strong team.
  • Analyticalthinking when it comes to solving difficult problems.
  • Strategicgoal setting and keep the long-term in focus.


  1. Solutions Engineer - Empolis Solutions GmbH

    September 2023 - Now

    At Empolis Solutions GmbH, I worked for different customers in the public sector. My main tasks involved designing, developing and maintaining solutions to manage knowledge within the respective organzations. I mainly worked with Java and JavaScript (Angular)

  2. Fullstack Developer - DIPKO GmbH

    October 2021 - August 2023

    DIPKO GmbH build solutions for German public service provider (Stadtwerke) to digitize their service portfolio. I was hired as the second internal developer and helped migrate the platform from a out-sourced to an in-house team. Day to day, I worked on many features of the platform designing the architecture, implementing the features in TypeScript (backend and frontend) and Angular. I also worked on the infrastructure of the platform, reducing AWS costs by 15%, implementing new microservices and implementing a CI/CD pipelin in GitHub Actions.

  3. Web Developer (Working Student) - Pinuts digitial thinking GmbH

    September 2020 - September 2021

    Pinuts is a multi-media agency, developing and maintaining digitial presences and experiences of their customers. As a web developer, I worked on two different projects. For the first project, I implemented a search feature over heterogenous data in a social media network. In the second project, I implemented a comment section for CMS-backed web page.

  4. Software Engineer (Intern) - WBS Coding School

    May 2020 - February 2020

    WBS Coding School is a leading coding bootcamp in Germany. I worked as Software Engineer, developing and mainting their Node.js and React based learning platform on AWS. I also created content for stundent of the bootcamp and build a dashboard to visiualize sign-ups to their program.


  1. University of Applied Sciences Berlin (HTW Berlin) - Applied Computer Science (B.Sc.) - Grade: 1.7

    February 2021 - October 2017

    My studies on HTW were incredibly practical. I worked on many different projects with other students. My focus was on multi-media and web development. With 7 other students, I implemented an app to where users could take a photo of an bike lane obstruction and upload it. In my thesis, I compared different programming languages and frameworks in relation to their performance regarding serving an HTTP API.


  • TypeScript
  • Golang
  • Java
  • Terraform
  • Docker
  • AWS
  • UI/UX
  • CI/CD (GitHub)
  • Unix
  • Kubernetes